
Stand Guided By Constitution, CCC Tells ZDF

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has called on the country’s defence forces to remember their constitutional mandate to the people of Zimbabwe reminded the forces not to be undermined by partisan political interests.

In a statement to commemorate the Defence Forces day, CCC national spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere said the rank and file of the forces deserves a living wage.

“On this day of commemoration, we call on the defence forces to remember their constitutional mandate to the people of Zimbabwe. We ask that they act in a manner that serves the interests of all Zimbabweans by fully complying with their constitutional obligation to respect the lives and dignity of the people in the execution of their duties. In line with the constitution, we demand the protection of citizen’s rights and freedoms by the defence forces. Our security services must protect not threaten citizens,” Mahere said

She said under the CCC administration defence forces will not be deployed to support partisan interests and citizens will be allowed to exercise their rights as mandated by the Constitution.

“Under the incoming Citizens Government, weapons and arms of war will never be deployed to support a political party’s partisan interests or impede the citizen’s rights to demonstrate peacefully. Instead our defence forces will support collective national interests taking due cognizance of the fundamental rights and diversity of the citizenry.

“The professional standing of the Defence forces will not be interfered with. The Defence Forces will be given space to serve the people as prescribed by law. We will improve the conditions of service of rank and file soldiers. They deserve to earn a living USD wage and conditions of service befitting of the important constitutional they are mandated to play in our society,” she said

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