
Harare Switches On Seke Road

By Ashywyne Vambe

The City of Harare has embarked on a project that will see the streets of Harare getting lit up by 1202 street lights with the project already having switched on along Seke road.

In an interview with ZimReview, acting City of Harare communications manager Innocent Ruwende said the project will see the refurbishment of old poles through a partnership between Rwanda Energy Group and ZESA.

“The pilot project will cover 35 kilometers of road network and is in partnership with Rwanda Energy Group and ZESA. The project will refurbish old street poles. The poles we are putting are not new, they have always been there, but we have refurbished and painted them. As part of the project we are going to install a back office. It will have a management system that monitors performance of the street lights,” said Ruwende

The system, Ruwende said enables monitoring of faults or anything untoward like vandalism and will pick both simultaneously.

The project will also cover Airport Road, Julius Nyerere, Rekai Tangwena and Enterprise, Seventh and Chancellor Avenue up to Churchill.

The lighting of Seke road comes as a relief to road users who had become victims of robberies, whilst pedestrians using the same road had been losing valuables with thieves taking advantage of the darkness on the Seke Road flyover.

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