
We Have Resisted Temptation Of Provocation Says Chamisa

Staff Reporter

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), Nelson Chamisa, has castigated President Emmerson Mnangagwa for allegedly trying to box his party into a corner in order to spark chaos in Zimbabwe, ahead of the forthcoming harmonised elections.

In an interview with a local online publication, Chamisa said the Mnangagwa regime wants to provoke his party.

“I know that Mr. Mnangagwa wants to provoke us so that there is a justification to drive this country into anarchy. We have resisted the temptation because we are nation builders, because we want Zimbabwe to be the best country, the greatest country.” said Chamisa

He added “Now is the time. As I always say, God is in it and no man can stop an idea whose time has come. Continuing and perpetuating the past is simply continuing and perpetuating the suffering, rottenness, brokenness, disappointment and a plethora of unfulfilled and unmet commitments and promises.”

Chamisa said there was no reason for continued arrests and incarceration of opposition members.

 “The situation testifies how sick the nation is, how sick Zimbabwe is. Our politics is broken. Our politics is sick. There is no reason why on trumped-up charges anybody should be incarcerated and placed behind bars. It’s vindictive. It’s persecution. It’s rule by law not the rule of law. It’s the weaponization of the law and the judiciary and that is wrong. That is wrong and we must end that this year.” he said

Chamisa dismissed those criticizing him over his alleged ‘soft stance’ towards the regime.

“I am sure they are mistaking me for Mr Mnangagwa who is the one who is persecuting activists and who presides over the government. I am not the head of state yet. But would any sane person expect us to share my plans publicly and hope to see those plans being effective after the fact? A lot is being done, a lot has been done. We will continue to do that, but we can’t just come and say this is our strategy; this is our plan telling the opponent” Chamisa said

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