
Embattled Town Clerk Chisango Flouts High Court Bail Conditions

By Staff Reporter

Harare Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango has once again found himself at the center of controversy after he brazenly visited Town House and attempted to attend a full council meeting, flagrantly violating his bail conditions and also violating the Ministerial Directive which barred any Local Authority employees with court cases to come to work.

The move was however countered by Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume who ordered Chisango to vacate the premises.

However, Chisango was seen still in his office allegedly removing sensitive documents.

Chisango’s actions are not only a blatant disregard for the legal process but also a direct insult to the principles of justice. According to Zimbabwean law, Chisango’s presence at Town House constitutes tampering with witnesses and interfering with the ongoing judicial process.

It is rumoured that council workers are now living in fear as it seems the embattled Town Clerk can get away with anything while his co-accused remain behind bars, highlighting the preferential treatment he seems to be enjoying.

Chisango’s latest antics are part of a broader pattern of corruption and misconduct that has plagued his tenure as Town Clerk.

He was recently arrested for the unprocedural awarding of a US$9.2 million tender to a blacklisted company, a move that exposed the council to significant financial losses.

This scandal is just one of many that have marred his career, raising serious questions about his integrity and suitability for public office.

Mayor Jacob Mafume’s intervention was not just a legal necessity but a moral imperative. As a lawyer, Mafume understands the importance of upholding the law and ensuring that justice is served.

His decisive action in ordering Chisango to leave Town House as enshrined in section 139 (3) of the Urban Council’s Act underscores his commitment to rooting out corruption and restoring public trust in the council.

Under Zimbabwean law, Chisango’s actions warrant immediate arrest. His attempt to attend the council meeting is a clear violation of his bail conditions, which prohibit him from disturbing police investigations and interfering with witnesses which include visiting Town House or contacting potential witnesses until the conclusion of his court case.

His visit to town house is clear evidence that he interacted with staff members that maybe key witnesses in the matter.

As such, the legal process is now seriously compromised and there is no way of ascertaining his level of intimidation and witness tampering.

This breach should not be taken lightly, as it undermines the judicial process and sets a dangerous precedent for other public officials facing similar charges.

Hosiah Chisango’s continued defiance of the law is a stark reminder of the deep-seated corruption that has infiltrated Harare’s municipal administration.

His actions not only violate legal norms but also erode public confidence in the city’s governance and potentially our country’s judiciary.

It is imperative that the authorities in the 2nd Republic take swift and decisive action to hold Chisango accountable and send a clear message that corruption and misconduct will not be tolerated.

Name dropping of the President and the 1st Family does not warrant a get-out-of-jail free pass but Chisango is hopeful that it will work for him again.

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