
Power Cuts Small Businesses Worst Affected

Zimbabweans are struggling to cope with increased power cuts that have hit households and businesses across the country.

According to the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) the increased power outages have been as a result of technical challenges at its main Kariba and Hwange power stations, as well as import constraints.

“The utility is therefore conducting a maintenance exercise to ensure full restoration of service,” it said.

On Tuesday morning, the nation was plunged into darkness with the power utility saying it was caused by a fault on the main grid line linking Kariba and Harare which then tripped out the rest of the grid.

In an interview with some Zimbabweans expressed disappointment at the rate at which power cuts are being effected.

“Something needs to be done, if at least they tell us their schedule, it will be easy to know that we work at certain times than to be always in the dark with regards to the scheduling. I have lost quite a fortune,” said George Shamba a welder at Siya-So in Mbare

A senior citizen who identified himself as Sekuru Makuvatsine said in as much as there are faults at Kariba and Hwange the power cuts need to be minimised.

“We understand that there are faults at Kariba and Hwange but they should minimise these power cuts we cannot go the whole day without power in our homes, those who buy meat in bulk are the most affected because it’s turning bad despite being in the refrigerator,” said the elderly Makuvatsine

Latest data from the Zimbabwe Power Company shows that the country is generating just 1 029 MW today against peak demand in excess of 1 700 MW.

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