
Former Zanu-PF Youth Leader Takes Aim At ‘Ineffective’ Chamisa

Former Zanu PF youth leader who now leads the Front for Economic Emancipation in Zimbabwe (FEEZ) Godfrey Tsenengamu has described opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa ineffective in removing Zanu-PF from leadership.

Addressing journalists, the outspoken FEEZ leader said Zanu PF cannot be removed by prayers and social media statements.

“We believe in confronting the problem whatever it is and we are so much convinced that under the leadership of Advocate Nelson Chamisa if we were to work with him under the CCC we were not going to achieve what we intended to achieve. Yes, we admit they are a very strong movement, Chamisa is very likeable, very popular and a good public speaker, but we think that he is weak somehow, he is ineffective.

“The situation that Zimbabwe finds itself in, does not require a leadership that thinks Zanu PF is going to be removed through prayers and tweeting, Zanu PF is a beast that has to be confronted head on, Zimbabwe requires a movement that can square up to Zanu PF blow by blow,” said Tsenengamu

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