
Wife Kills Husband For Failing To Explain Three Day Absence From Home

By Memory Chivhunga

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has confirmed the arrest of a 27 year old woman on charges of murder after stabbing her husband to death after the deceased failed to explain his three days absence from home.

According to the ZRP Rachel Gomba of Marimba, Harare stabbed her husband Paddy Mangisa Mlambo (27) with a kitchen knife on 24 October 2022.

“ZRP Marimba has arrested Rachel Gomba (27) for a case of murder in which she allegedly fatally stabbed her husband, Paddy Mangisa Mlambo (27), with a kitchen knife once on the thigh in Marimba, Harare, on 24/10/22 at around 0600 hours. The couple had a fight after the husband, who had been away for three days, failed to give a satisfactory answer,” said the ZRP

Meanwhile, Police in Karoi are investigating a case of exposing an infant which occurred at a dump site near Chiedza Primary School where a two day old baby was found wrapped in a white towel at the dumpsite.

The ZRP said they have since taken the baby to Karoi Hospital for further management.

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