
Herdboy Impregnates Boss’ Daughter (15)

By Gamuchirai Bhachi

An 18 year old herd boy from Gokwe-Chitekete has been dragged before a traditional leader in the area after impregnating his boss’s 15 year old daughter.

Collins Mudzimiri is alleged to have taken advantage of the absence of his boss who lives in South Africa and became intimate with the girl. The matter came to light this month after neighbours observed unusual developments on the girl and they alerted the girl’s parents.

The family brought the matter to a village in the area and quizzed the teenagers who confirmed that they were dating.

“Yes, I was dating brother Collen and I didn’t think that things will end this way. I told him I am pregnant and he encouraged me either to terminate or keep the pregnancy until it is due so that I can elope,” she said.

Collen confirmed the same saying they were in love but was not ready to be a husband because of he is poor.

“I loved her but in the meantime I am vulnerable and I don’t have any money to take care of a girl like her,” said Mudzimiri

The girl’s mother said she was became aware of the incident after receiving calls from neighbours who had observed the duo movements and became suspicious.

“I was in South Africa and my neighbours told me that my daughter is pregnant and I flew all the way from South Africa to see these wonders,” she said.

Ruling on the matter the village head ordered Mudzimiri to pay six goats for damages and buy the baby’s preparation kit and the girl has since returned to her parents’ home.

In areas like Gokwe, this have become a routine where the herd boys impregnate their boss’s children and sometimes elope with them without paying any lobola.

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