
Mai TT Endorses Zanu PF , Defends Her Decision to Support ED

By Staff Reporter

Social media has been abuzz following a recent picture of socialite Felistas Murata, popularly known as Mai TT, kneeling at President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The controversial socialite has taken to social media to defend her actions and clarify her political stance saying everyone has a right to support the political party of their choice.

“Munhu mumwe nemumwe anekodzero yekuteverera bato raanoda asina kumbunyikidzwa. Zvekuzokanda maAngry face papost yangu naPresident atove madrama (Everyone has a right to follow a party of his or her choice without being forced. Posting angry faces on my timeline with the President is now drama). We all have freedom to vote and choose who we want to follow.

“I follow His Excellency and First Lady Dr. Auxilia Mnangagwa, and I am ZANU PF. I have seen what they are doing to our nation from roads, schools, empowerment, etc. Our airport has improved greatly, and you can’t tell me you are not noticing that,” declared Mai TT

She went on to heap praise on First Lady Auxilia Mnangagwa’s Angel of Hope foundation for its work in supporting orphans and widows urging Zimbabweans to focus on the positive developments in the country and to unite in building a better country.

“I follow the good works, and I can’t be hot spotted to hate what I don’t know. Even the Bible says love and honor your President. A country is built by its people, do not divide our Nation but rather unite and build Zimbabwe together as one. I am for the ruling party. And nothing will change that. Pamberi ne Zanu PF (Forward with ZANU PF).” she said

Mai TT’s statements have been met with mixed feelings as some people suggest that she is wooing businessman Wicknel Chivhayo to gift her with a car following a recent spate of vehicle donations to influential people and those who have shown allegiance to Zanu PF by the businessman.

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