
Harare Man Arrested For Obstruction of Justice

A Harare man is in trouble after he was arrested for obstructing the course of justice following a road traffic accident that had occurred along Seke Road on Sunday evening.

Confirming the incident the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said Tinotenda Kalulu distracted a driver who had been hit by a Toyota Hiace from noting details of the vehicle.

“Police in Harare are investigating a minor hit and run road traffic accident which occurred on 21/08/22 at around 1900 hours along Seke Road near Seke Fly Over. An unknown motorist driving a Toyota Hiace vehicle hit an Isuzu KB 250 vehicle from behind.

“After the accident, a passenger aboard the Toyota Hiace vehicle, Tinotenda Kalulu, distracted the driver of the Isuzu KB 250 vehicle from noting the particulars of the Toyota Hiace vehicle leading to the Toyota Hiace vehicle being driven away. The Police have since arrested Tinotenda Kalulu for obstructing the course of justice,” said the ZRP

Meanwhile, the ZRP is warning firearm holders not to abuse the guns following an incident that occurred at Wadzanai Business Centre in Shamva.

“Registered firearms holders are warned against misuse of firearms. Police in Shamva are investigating a case of pointing a firearm in which a motorist, Admire Mugova (24) pointed a firearm at the complainant after an argument at a business centre in Wadzanai. The complainant had allegedly parked his vehicle at the back of the suspect’s vehicle thereby blocking him,” warned ZRP

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