
Police Dismiss Khupe Arrest Reports

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has dismissed as false reports that police had arrested former MDC-T president Thokozani Khupe in Plumtree on their way from a Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) campaign rally to garner support ahead of by-elections in Bulilima.

In a statement, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said police had only impounded a South African registered Toyota Hilux for failure to produce a valid Temporary Import Permit.

“The Police has not effected any arrest on Khupe and associates. The false story is dismissed with the contempt it deserves. It is totally wrong for politicians to claim arrest by Zimbabwe Republic Police in false circumstances.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police, in actual fact impounded a South African registered Toyota Hilux registration number JW15PT GP belonging to Joubert Maplanka (64) for failure to produce a valid Temporary Import Permit at the 98km peg along Bulawayo- Plumtree Road.

“The vehicle has been in Zimbabwe since July 2021 and the TIP is no longer valid. Thokozani Khupe later came aboard a different vehicle and was not arrested at all. We continue to urge journalists to verify information obtained from purported reliable sources before publishing such stories,” said Ass. Comm Nyathi.

Social media was awash with news that Khupe had been arrested in Plumtree, the former deputy Prime Minister in the Government of National Unity has of late been canvassing for CCC support in Matebeleland.

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