
Mliswa Says Makamure Tribunal An Act To Protect Wadyajena

Norton legislator Temba Mliswa says the creation of a tribunal to investigate Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission spokesperson Commissioner John Makamure is an act to protect Gokwe-Nembudziya legislator Justice Mayor Wadyajena who is facing corruption charges involving US$5 million.

Posting on Twitter, the outspoken lawmaker said talk that Makamure wanted to contest Wadyajena for the Gokwe-Nembudziya seat next year was hogwash.

“The creation of a tribunal to supposedly investigate @ZACConline Commissioner John Makamure is a brazen subversion of the anti-corruption fight and specifically an act to protect Wadyajena. Makamure is an upstanding technocrat who is now suffering for merely doing his job.

“There are allegations that he wanted to contest in Wadyajena’s constituency but that is all hogwash. He isn’t a politician neither is it a crime even if he wanted. The real criminal is Wadyajena who should be facing the music over the US$5 million Cottco case.

“Yet he is being protected by a medley of compromised institutions and politicians. It’s now apparent that you can’t work for this country or Gvt. Calisto Jokonya as Zimra Chairman suffered the same fate when he tried to do his job faithfully.

“He suffered for it. There is no sincerity in fighting corruption when the champions are being targeted. If I were Makamure I would simply resign. It’s a corrupt state. He didn’t need this job but joined in the belief the Second Republic was sincere,” said Mliswa

He said it is a shame that those fighting corruption in the country are being hounded with cooked allegations.

“Now 2 Commissioners are gone, victims of corrupt politicians. Credit should go to @ZACConline Chair Justice Matanda Moyo who has been resolute. It’s not an easy task in a country infested by corruption. We saw it with Justice Edith Mushore, hounded again for doing her job.

“So many cooked up allegations, slimy stories with no iota of substance and you expect the country to go anywhere? It’s a shame,” he said.

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