
Police Intensify Crackdown On ‘Mushikashika’

By Staff Reporter

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has intensified a crackdown of private taxis (mushikashika) in order to reduce cases of robberies in the country which have become a menace among this segment of public transporters.

Last year alone, the country recorded 8 542 robberies, with 4 609 being armed robberies, while many of the cases were linked to mushikashika operators

Speaking at an operation against mushikashika transporters at Mbudzi traffic circle yesterday, Harare police spokesperson Inspector Luckmore Chakanza warned the public against boarding private taxis.

“I don’t have a specific figure on the cases of robberies, but we are encouraging the public not to use the mushikashika vehicles because they are mostly used by armed robbers. We have been receiving reports of robberies mainly involving those vehicles. People should use public transport which is registered,” Chakanza said.

Zimbabwe Passenger Transporters Organisation chairman Sam Nanhanga condemned the errant taxi drivers.

“The operation of mushikashika needs to be stopped. They are not even allowed to ferry passengers. We believe that the country has enough buses to cater for these passengers. So, there is no need for us to allow mushikashika to continue doing whatever they are doing. Buses must be available on time for passengers. We are also asking the government to speed up road rehabilitation programme so that all those buses are able to service all routes.” Nanhanga said.

Recently, a 24 year old Shurugwi woman was robbed in Gweru after she boarded a Honda Fit and was thrown out from the speeding vehicle.

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