
Bogus Winky D Relative Defrauds Vigilance Music Fans

A video of an unidentified man confessing to have defrauded people using popular artist Wallace Chirumiko ‘Winky D’s fan page has gone viral on social media.

In the video the man confesses to have defrauded people by taking their valuables using pseudo Winky D fan page under the name Vigilance Music and others on the pretext that that he will send them to the Disappear hit maker.

“I used the name Kudakwashe Chirumiko on Facebook and other platforms including vigilance music. I am a fraudster, I defrauded Maureen and took her car using Vigilance, I am not related to the Ninjas, Winky D and took suits which I had said would hand over to Winky D including money.

“I am not related to Winky D, I am only his fan, I have never met him. I do apologise to Banda, Maureen Manongwa, I also apologise to Winky D and all the Ninjas and forgive me for what I did. I erred using names that were not mine and you will never come across those platforms again that is Kudakwashe Chirumiko and vigilance music,” confessed the man

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