
Ngarivhume Foretold His Conviction After ‘Threat’

By Charles Dzimwasha

On Tuesday opposition leader Jacob Ngarivhume wrote that he had received a threatening message predicting that he will be convicted and it came to pass yesterday.

The former MDC Alliance principal who faced similar charges with journalist-cum-activist Hopewell Chin’ono was convicted and charged for inciting public violence. Ironically, Chin’ono was acquitted of the same charge.

On Tuesday, Ngarivhume foretold what awaited on him Thursday and Friday.

“Early morning today I received a routine threatening message from a South African number. The author said, by Friday you will be at Chikurubi Jacob, we will be done with you!

“I had court today. My lawyers submitted their closing remarks, they then motivated them. Prof Madhuku and Moses Nkomo did the best any exceptionally good team can do. Thank you, guys! I appreciate. Our defense was solid and the state could not clearly prove any case against us beyond any reasonable doubt.

“The magistrate, who so far has handled the matter in a manner unsuspicious, then asked us to come back for judgement on Thursday afternoon 2PM,” foretold Ngarivhume.

However, despite the chilling threat and the subsequent conviction, the opposition leader promised to remain resolute.

“I await to see my verdict on Thursday. I will see where I will be Friday morning! Whether I will be home or Chikurubi as the guy on the text message declared. Meanwhile it’s aluta continua. The struggle continues until real freedom comes,” he added.

The opposition and civic society have castigated the Mnangagwa regime for crushing dissent by arresting and convicting opposition and human rights activists over trumped-up charge

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