
Mliswa Calls CCC Supporters To Order

Independent Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has castigated opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters for dwelling on petty issues rather than developmental issues.

Mliswa’s remarks come after CCC sympathisers labeled opposition MDC leader Douglas Mwonzora a sellout after reports that he had received a farm and a Mercedes Benz vehicle from the Government.

The CCC sympathisers claim that Mwonzora was being rewarded for weakening opposition politics in the country.

In a post on Twitter, Mliswa said CCC members needed to show maturity.

“The opposition needs to grow up and not operate in a binary manner that reduces everything to bare essentials.Some things cannot be understood and captured comprehensively in that basic manner. There is disturbing myopia in some things which I have a problem with.

“Mwonzora is the recognised leader of Gvt business& that’s a fact. You cannot contrive to create conspiracies everywhere. At times such colorful imagination can lead you astray. You end up wasting time on petty issues. It’s good for Mwonzora that he got that. That’s his benefit,” said Mliswa

He said Chamisa turned down the same offer on account of his principles and perception.

“For the record, Chamisa was offered this position way before Mwonzora and he would have received all these. He refused due to his own principles and perception. Would he have become a sellout if he accepted? No Sometimes you have to be practical and mature in your approach. You cannot go around labeling everyone a sellout.

“The CCC MPs are receiving salaries and perks from a Gvt led by [President Emmerson Mnangagwa]. Does that make them sellouts?Mwonzora has received the same perks different only in level due to his position but it’s the same thing.

Being in the opposition doesn’t mean fighting everything and everyone not on your side. You can still remain a valid and legitimate opposition even while supporting some Gvt positions and decisions. The bigger ideal is the success of the nation, not the parties!” he said

He added “Attritional politics steeped in pushing back and fighting everything is only useful and progressive up to a certain point.

“After that, you begin to sound insane and unhinged, centered on nothing but the passion for friction.”

The MDC has since said there is nothing wrong in Mwonzora receiving the vehicle.

As for the farm the opposition movement said Mwonzora had applied and received a farm in 1998.

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