
Three Nabbed For Printing Fake US Dollars

By Staff Reporter

Three men have been arrested after being found in possession of fake US dollar notes in Bulwawayo.

The three Obedience Muza (23), Nixon Matienga (37) and Liberty Madzivanyika (33) were arrested by detectives acting on a tip-off.

Later investigations conducted by the police revealed that the three had a printer and paper used to print the fake notes.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) confirmed the arrests in a statement.

“On 18/02/23, detectives in Bulawayo acted on a tip-off and arrested, Obedience Muza (23), Nixon Matienga (37) and Liberty Madzivanyika (33) at a local hotel in Bulawayo for being found in possession of fake United States notes comprising, 26 x US$50, 37 x US$20 and 8 x US$10.” said the ZRP

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